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Smart International Investing Website – Case Study

  • TaskWebsite redesign.

Client Profile

Smart International Investing (SII) is a small group of highly trained realtor agents whose focus is selling international properties as investments. They represent properties in Belize, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, France, Mexico, United Kingdom, and the United States. Their primary goal is to educate the customer so they can invest wisely.


The Challenge

Sometimes a website is using technology that is so outdated that the only way to make things right is to rebuild from scratch. That is what I did for SII. While their old site was still functional, it was running into issue after issue due to the old theme used.

The Solution

I did quite a bit of preliminary research to track down the perfect theme that supports their goals of what they wanted their site to do. Thats one of the great things about WordPress themes. There are so many well-built themes now that you are almost sure to find a theme that works well for your goals, be they serving niche markets or the mainstream.